Quick Game Synopsis
Wired Wiles: An Electronic and Entertainment Tycoon is a game where the player manages their own electronic/entainment store. From stocking a high-array of trending electronics, board games, toys and more! Become the talk of the city, earn sponsorships, and become the place that everyone thinks about when they want the newest, hottest thing.

Stocking your shelves
This screen showcases the UI for empty display areas, where the player is encouraged to replenish their shelves in order to sell.
[The game background is darkened because it’s incomplete. However, the whole purpose of this portfolio piece is to showcase the UI elements, not the in-game art assets themselves.]

Changing your avatar
Pressing on the avatar icon allows the player has the option to select their avatar. The player can even filter by ascending and descending avatar, based on the order they were acquired.

Settings Screen
Pressing on the gear icon allows players to customize their preferences and access the game’s support system.

Pausing the game
Pressing on the pause icon halts the game, where the player is presented by two options: to resume the game, or quit.
Interactable game elements and different states